Founded by the BTHA, the Toy Trust- the industry’s charity- exists to raise money predominantly from the toy industry, its suppliers and friends; and distribute the money raised to charities helping disadvantaged and disabled children within the UK and abroad.

Main Functions of the Toy Trust


Co-ordinates and organises various fundraising activities


Makes donations only to charities for children


Provides emergency aid in any crisis involving children

Toy Trust funds help disadvantaged children and their families to:


Alleviate suffering
Support children through awful experiences
Encourage achievement through adversity
Purchase vital equipment
Provide care
Bolster existing initiatives
Initiate brand new projects
Satisfy basic needs


Money raised through fundraising events and other initiatives is distributed by the Toy Trust committee that meets four times each year to allocate grants to children’s causes in need of support. All projects and charities, whether local, national or international, will receive consideration from the committee.

With the help of the many supporters of the trust, from across the entire industry, £6.5 million has been raised since its inception.


Anyone wishing to raise money on behalf of the Toy Trust:


Contact the BTHA Team